Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Recently I noticed a social media comment left on a photo about how modeling and photography are often misunderstood as easy professions. While I’m no model, nor do I play one on TV, but I’m known to photograph a model or two and can relate to that perception as I’m...
Light & Camera Paradigm Shifts

Light & Camera Paradigm Shifts

It’s Happening Now, Don’t Get Left Behind. In my recent blog post, Mirrorless Camera Madness, you found out that in my search for a replacement digital camera system, I noticed a paradigm shift to mirrorless cameras and how Olympus is tops in this field. A paradigm...
Million Dollar Photography Question

Million Dollar Photography Question

What Should I Charge? I’m constantly asked by photographers “What should I charge?” This seems like a million-dollar question, especially in today’s economic times where some photographers have reduced prices just to secure paid shoots. The sad part of it all,...
Typical Photography Questions

Typical Photography Questions

It’s About, The End Result, But Do Your Research First. It’s no secret, I’m often asked a lot about photography, so I decided to write about the big picture photography questions. Like most professionals in any profession, I’m constantly bombarded with repetitive...
Artistic Personality of a Photographer

Artistic Personality of a Photographer

The Adulthood of Photography. Style, some photographers have it, others don’t, many people don’t even know what style is and in photography if you ask five professionals, chances are you’ll get five different definitions about the word style itself.  Established...
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