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Lighting School


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Effects of Different SUNBOUNCE Reflectors and Diffusors


This unique photographic overview gives you the opportunity to quickly recognize the type of light effect that is best for your photography project. All photos were taken with the same camera settings in order to dramatize the effects. In practice one would naturally adjust the camera settings in order to avoid the over- or underexposures that result from the different reflection capabilities of the numerous reflector materials.

Compare the various SUNBOUNCE lighting effects, truly world unique. Look, and be surprised by countless lighting possibilities from the different types of SUNBOUNCE reflectors.


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Effects of Different Reflectors and Diffusors, Horizontal and Vertical Positions


The examples that follow clearly demonstrate lighting of the subject and the shadow results plus how the actual effect is adjustable through the use of SUNBOUNCE reflectors. Compare the effect of different screens and how light and shadows change dependent on the reflector’s angle and position.

Discover for yourself finest nuances of light and shadow effects through comparison of real portrait scenes at varied illuminations. Click the button to see more about the effects of different reflectors and diffusors relative to their horizontal or vertical positioning….


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The Moiré Effect in Photography and Videography


Moiré is one of the most common flaws in videography and photography. Wavy lines appear in the image. Moiré is caused e.g. by the interaction of regular patterns or structures in the subject with other regular structures of the camera sensors.

The camera sensors (CCD chips) are designed such that the light- and color-sensitive pixels are arranged in a regular pattern above and below one another. Most sensors have square pixels, but there are also other pixel shapes, such as hexagons, triangles or rhombuses. Click the button to see more plus how we tackle moiré….


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