Chairs Make Great Photo Props

Chairs Make Great Photo Props

Chairs come in many shapes and forms and are constructed from an almost limitless variety of materials. This makes chairs a great posing aid for models, but don’t get caught up in believing all chairs need four legs. While working in the Virgin Islands, I photographed...
Horizon, Horizontal Lines, Photography Placement

Horizon, Horizontal Lines, Photography Placement

Improve Your Photography, Get It Straight There are many things to consider when it comes to the elements of composition that make for a great photo, but one often overlooked element is the natural horizon and in manmade forms, horizontal lines. The popular belief...
Maui Photography Assignment  And the Mistakes Made

Maui Photography Assignment And the Mistakes Made

Throughout my career, I’ve made about a dozen trips to Hawaii, my first landed me in Honolulu as a photojournalist on assignment to cover the military’s Joint Task Force Full Accounting mission. On that assignment, weeks before the 20th anniversary of the fall of...
Photography White Balance Techniques

Photography White Balance Techniques

When we point our cameras into the deep-blue sky to take a photograph, do we always get the color and hues we see? Most of the time yes, but if the sky is gray-dull, or you’re in a creative mood, you can change the sky into any color you’d like. You can even control...
Trick Your Digital Camera to Emulate Film

Trick Your Digital Camera to Emulate Film

White balance is a subjective decision, and I would suggest not letting the digital camera make that decision for you—thus, it’s best to avoid AWB, or the automatic white balance setting on your digital camera. In AWB, the scene is analyzed during the exposure and...
Photographers Abandon Money and Megapixels

Photographers Abandon Money and Megapixels

I first began to use digital cameras in the early 90’s while an active-duty combat photographer in the U.S. Army, and what I saw then, still continues to plague photographers today—a majority of photographers abandon money and megapixels when it comes to digital...
The Photography Mentor

The Photography Mentor

Self-Mentoring Is a Must and Possible with Technology Today There are two important people that help a photographer develop their career, mentors and muses, though, these are two critical career keys that are hard to find, and once lost, not easy to replace, as not...
The Photography Muse

The Photography Muse

As mentioned in The Photography Mentor article, muses are one of the two most important people that help a photographer develop their career, and like mentors, muses are not easy to find. However, a photographer stands a better chance at finding a muse before a mentor...
Build Your Photography Brand

Build Your Photography Brand

Impression, Repetition, and Association Are the Identity Keys If there is one great thing about social networking, is the ability to build your brand through social marketing, directly and indirectly, which will help build name recognition. In the case of photography,...
10 Photography Rules

10 Photography Rules

Rules, rules, rules, we’ve been surrounded by them all our lives and photography is no stranger to rules—though rules don’t run photography, rules exist to guide you to capture better photos, and in photography, rules are breakable, but only after you master them...
Photographing Mature Women

Photographing Mature Women

Sometimes Digital Cameras Are Just Too Sharp Often photographers are challenged with photographing a mature, female subject that wants a glamorous photo, usually for their significant other or for their own self-esteem. Unfortunately, with maturity and today’s...
The Pots and Pans of Photography

The Pots and Pans of Photography

While there are many types of photographic equipment, such as reflectors and other light modifiers, stands, plus even gels used to create beautiful photographs of people, the camera lens itself is the physical funnel that leads down to the camera’s image capture...
She Bought You a Digital Camera, You Bought Her Lingerie

She Bought You a Digital Camera, You Bought Her Lingerie

Take Beautiful, Sexy Images of Your Loved One It’s you and her, a passion-filled, fun-loving couple. You’ve just celebrated your most recent anniversary by exchanging gifts—she bought you that digital mirrorless camera you had your heart set on, and you bought her a...
The 90-Percent Photography Lighting Rule

The 90-Percent Photography Lighting Rule

You often hear about percentages, sometimes in statistics, like 75-percent of all statistics are made up, which often leaves you wondering about the accuracy of such numbers, but when it comes to photography, one percentage that is accurate is the 90-percent rule of...
10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

One of the biggest challenges for a photographer is creating a photo from scratch, especially when you have a passionate craving to capture something with your camera. When the urge hits, you start thinking, what can I create? So, let me help you with 10 photography...
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