Trick Your Digital Camera to Emulate Film

Trick Your Digital Camera to Emulate Film

White balance is a subjective decision, and I would suggest not letting the digital camera make that decision for you—thus, it’s best to avoid AWB, or the automatic white balance setting on your digital camera. In AWB, the scene is analyzed during the exposure and...
10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

One of the biggest challenges for a photographer is creating a photo from scratch, especially when you have a passionate craving to capture something with your camera. When the urge hits, you start thinking, what can I create? So, let me help you with 10 photography...
Tungsten Photography Mimic

Tungsten Photography Mimic

Normally I don’t get a chance to capture images at my photography workshops as I’m too busy providing hands-on instruction along with ensuring everything from the models to the lighting flows smoothly. But a while I back, at one of my Las Vegas workshops, I took the...
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