Rembrandt Lighting in Photography

Rembrandt Lighting in Photography

Aspiring Photographers Learn from the Masters Some of the greatest photographers in the world made their mark by simply studying the styles, ideas and techniques of other artists, whether it was their mentor photographer or one of their favorite painters. Ultimately,...
Communication is Essential to Great Photography

Communication is Essential to Great Photography

The Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver’s 1949 Communication Model Helps Photographers The greatest photographers in the world have three things in common, a creative eye, the comprehension of their equipment and the ability to communicate both to their subject and the...
Photographic Elements–Lines, Lines, Lines

Photographic Elements–Lines, Lines, Lines

Optional Elements in Photography There are many elements in photography that help create a successful photo, from the optional elements of lines, foreground choices, clothing, accessories, props, chiaroscuro and various forms of accent lighting on your subject.  Then...
Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Recently I noticed a social media comment left on a photo about how modeling and photography are often misunderstood as easy professions. While I’m no model, nor do I play one on TV, but I’m known to photograph a model or two and can relate to that perception as I’m...
Triangles of Photography

Triangles of Photography

Great Posing Tip. Often when you hear a photographer talk about a triangle in photography, they are referencing the correlation of exposure, or how the ISO, lens aperture and camera shutter-speed affect one another to create the correct exposure in a photograph....
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