It Hasn’t Been Shot!

It Hasn’t Been Shot!

Inspiration, The Key to Photography. All too often I run into photographers, including “myself,” where we feel as though we just can’t come up with a shot when we’re actually in the mood to create photographs. It’s one thing to shoot on assignment, say like sports...
Capture A Subject’s Style

Capture A Subject’s Style

Your Camera Adapts to Your Subject, Your Subject Doesn’t Adapt to Your Camera. Great photographers are easily recognized by their photographic style, some are even hired based on that style. In my world of photographing women, I’ve been told my style comes from my...
Photography Reflectors, Recreating North Light

Photography Reflectors, Recreating North Light

As Early As The Renaissance Era. I’ve covered many topics when it comes to photography reflectors, but now I’ll focus on the use of a photography reflector to create “north light.” No, you don’t have to point your reflector from a northern angle to your subject to...
Photography Reflectors, Natural or Artificial Light

Photography Reflectors, Natural or Artificial Light

Reflected or Directed Light Qualities. Like most photographers, on occasion I still use artificial lighting in my photo shoots, but today, especially with mirrorless camera technology, I prefer reflected light from the SUNBOUNCE light enhancing tools. I tend to use...
Photography Reflectors, Subtractive Lighting

Photography Reflectors, Subtractive Lighting

The Black Reflector. When most photographers talk or write about photography reflectors, normally all you hear about is white, silver, gold, and sometimes zebra, but rarely do you hear about “black” reflectors. Most photographers usually think about first types of...
Artistic Personality of a Photographer

Artistic Personality of a Photographer

The Adulthood of Photography. Style, some photographers have it, others don’t, many people don’t even know what style is and in photography if you ask five professionals, chances are you’ll get five different definitions about the word style itself.  Established...
Numbers Free Photography

Numbers Free Photography

Ten Finger Normalcy. Whether you believe in numerology or not, the numerical values of life are based on numbers so we can count, label, and measure the reality around us. When you’re born, a doctor inspects your body for five toes on each foot plus checks to see if...
Size and Shape Matter

Size and Shape Matter

A Professional’s Perspective. Someone usually asks, “How do you know which size reflector you’re going to use?” I usually chuckle at first, as this question can have many answers, some easy, some technical. For example, it’s quicker and easier, though by maybe thirty...
Reflector Fabrics

Reflector Fabrics

It’s Not Like Buying Underwear. You’ve heard the old saying, no two things are created equal, well the same holds true for photography reflector fabric screens. Some are cheaply made and then you have the higher-quality controlled SUNBOUNCE fabric screens, which come...
Blinded by the Light

Blinded by the Light

Sand Between Your Toes, Sunglasses on Your Nose The weather is warm and the sound of the ocean surf relaxes your mind and body, especially with a drink of the margarita you hold in your hands. A swimsuit clad beauty walks by on the beach, so you raise your sunglasses...
Reflector Myths

Reflector Myths

Without light we have nothing, with light we can make something out of nothing. There is one piece of equipment every photographer should have in his or her toolbox, a reflector—specifically, fabric type reflectors held by humans or light stands. Don’t confuse these...
Camera Straps, Strap It On

Camera Straps, Strap It On

Award-winning photographers “shoot from the hip” when they see the need to capture a photo as it happens as every split-second matters. You don’t find World Press winning photographers fumble in their camera bags or pant pockets, they are always ready to go with their...
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