Doorways Are Pathways to Great Photos

Doorways Are Pathways to Great Photos

Framing and Background Separation Come Natural When you place a model in something as simple as a doorway, you help separate your model from the background. Here, our agency model Jenni, stands in the doorway of a bathroom. Since the bathroom had intense household...
The 90-Percent Photography Lighting Rule

The 90-Percent Photography Lighting Rule

You often hear about percentages, sometimes in statistics, like 75-percent of all statistics are made up, which often leaves you wondering about the accuracy of such numbers, but when it comes to photography, one percentage that is accurate is the 90-percent rule of...
10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

10 Photography Tips for Great Model Photos

One of the biggest challenges for a photographer is creating a photo from scratch, especially when you have a passionate craving to capture something with your camera. When the urge hits, you start thinking, what can I create? So, let me help you with 10 photography...
Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Photography and Modeling, It’s More Than What You Think

Recently I noticed a social media comment left on a photo about how modeling and photography are often misunderstood as easy professions. While I’m no model, nor do I play one on TV, but I’m known to photograph a model or two and can relate to that perception as I’m...
Capture A Subject’s Style

Capture A Subject’s Style

Your Camera Adapts to Your Subject, Your Subject Doesn’t Adapt to Your Camera. Great photographers are easily recognized by their photographic style, some are even hired based on that style. In my world of photographing women, I’ve been told my style comes from my...
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