Silhouette Photography

Silhouette Photography

Throughout life we see natural silhouettes in many forms, whether it’s driving down the highway with the sun in our eyes as we pull the sun visor down to help us see the road, or the sun setting over the ocean as a young couple walks by holding hands. Ultimately, we...
Flash or Reflector

Flash or Reflector

Make Your Photography Natural. I’m often asked, “Why use a reflector and not a flash for fill-light outdoors?” There are several answers to this question, but the most obvious one, often overlooked by many photographers when trying to “pre-visualize” their final...
Artistic Personality of a Photographer

Artistic Personality of a Photographer

The Adulthood of Photography. Style, some photographers have it, others don’t, many people don’t even know what style is and in photography if you ask five professionals, chances are you’ll get five different definitions about the word style itself.  Established...
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