Doorways Are Pathways to Great Photos

Doorways Are Pathways to Great Photos

Framing and Background Separation Come Natural When you place a model in something as simple as a doorway, you help separate your model from the background. Here, our agency model Jenni, stands in the doorway of a bathroom. Since the bathroom had intense household...
Moab Golden Hour Photography

Moab Golden Hour Photography

Thanks to a private instruction client of mine, Brian, I visited the Moab area of Utah in 2007 and I’ve been back to Moab every year since. On that first trip, Brian and I didn’t know what to expect, so we brought everything including battery power packs, a generator,...
Law of Reflection

Law of Reflection

A Physics Rule for Photographers. In physics, the Law of Reflection, aka The Angle of Incidence Equals the Angle of Reflection, states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This tenet is fundamental to understand light and is summarized that...
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