One thing all inventors have in common, when they invent a product, they must “put it to the test” to ensure their finished product meets their vision, their dream, and their goals. Wolfgang Peter Geller, the founder and inventor of the SUNBOUNCE photography lighting systems, decided one day in 2006 he’d put his SUNBOUNCE PRO to the test, with a windsurfer.

Sunbounce Surfing Reflector Photo

Captured by SUNBOUNCE inventor and founder Wolfgang-Peter Geller on Hamburg Außenalster Lake with gusty winds as the willow branches flutter amongst the wind changes.

No, Geller didn’t invent a new surfboard, he incidentally invented a new way to make the wind-surfboard move in water faster — lake water. While his original SUNBOUNCE PRO photography reflector had completed 10 years of standing time, Geller wanted more so he asked a windsurfer to replace his sail with a fully assembled SUNBOUCE PRO photography reflector.

In the photo captured by Geller, you can actually see the hallmark three cross bars that keep the SUNBOUNCE PRO together. They literally formed the “ribs” of the sail. The windsurfer secured the SUNBOUNCE PRO photography reflector directly to the windsurf board’s mast.

As a disclaimer, do not try this out on your own, especially if you are not a professional windsurfer or surfer, if you do, you do it at your own risk as you’ve been warned as there are no guarantees, though be prepared to sail away!

Nik Ut Peter Geller World Press Photo

In Amsterdam, World Press Photo award winners Wolfgang Peter Geller and Nik Ut. Geller was the 1971 award winner and Ut won the award in 1972.

I asked Geller what caused him to come up with this idea and he responded with, “I just wanted to test our material and seams.”

As a professional photographer I’ve used his products since 2004 and I can attest the material not only has great strength and durability, but the seams hold as I’m a little rough on all my photography tools but SUNBOUNCE has yet to disappoint me and that’s a reason I like sharing my photography tips here on

One thing to note in my disclaimer above, leave windsurfing to professional and experienced windsurfers, but when it comes to SUNBOUNCE products, while made by professionals for professionals, even amateur and intermediate photographers can use SUNBOUNCE products easily.

It’s all about light control in your photography. Whether you use a SUNBOUNCE Sun-Swatter to create open-shade in harsh lighting conditions, or the Sun-Cage to have a mobile, location photography studio at your fingertips, or even a Sun-Mover for a quick portable lighting solution, you can’t go wrong regardless of your photography experience level.

While you can read the complete story about Wolfgang Peter Geller and his dreams, his experiences, his visions, and his determination, remember, if you invent something, success requires your invention works and you put it to the test — Geller did and he continues to invent great photography lighting products for you the photographer at every level of experience.

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