Photography Reflectors, Kicker Lighting

Photography Reflectors, Kicker Lighting

An Extra Punch of Light, Without the Harshness. Sometimes photographers like to mix light sources, such as when they have to overpower the sun with flash and take the Sunny 16 Rule into account. This is one instance when a photography reflector can add some...
Photography Reflectors, Keep It Simple

Photography Reflectors, Keep It Simple

Keeping It Simple. As photographers, there are times where we want to scout a new photography location, but still want to grab some shots, so we travel light, another benefit of the SUNBOUNCE photography reflectors. They’re lightweight, durable, and pack small when...
Typical Photography Questions

Typical Photography Questions

It’s About, The End Result, But Do Your Research First. It’s no secret, I’m often asked a lot about photography, so I decided to write about the big picture photography questions. Like most professionals in any profession, I’m constantly bombarded with repetitive...
Photography Reflectors, Recreating North Light

Photography Reflectors, Recreating North Light

As Early As The Renaissance Era. I’ve covered many topics when it comes to photography reflectors, but now I’ll focus on the use of a photography reflector to create “north light.” No, you don’t have to point your reflector from a northern angle to your subject to...
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