10 Model Photography Idea Tips

10 Model Photography Idea Tips

Sometimes, as photographers, we run out of ideas, and if we’ve planned a photo shoot for a portfolio promotion, it’s potentially costly, especially if we’re paying the model along with the hair, make-up and assistant. Even the great photographers that created...
Build Your Photography Brand

Build Your Photography Brand

Impression, Repetition, and Association Are the Identity Keys If there is one great thing about social networking, is the ability to build your brand through social marketing, directly and indirectly, which will help build name recognition. In the case of photography,...
Capture A Subject’s Style

Capture A Subject’s Style

Your Camera Adapts to Your Subject, Your Subject Doesn’t Adapt to Your Camera. Great photographers are easily recognized by their photographic style, some are even hired based on that style. In my world of photographing women, I’ve been told my style comes from my...
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