10 Model Photography Idea Tips

10 Model Photography Idea Tips

Sometimes, as photographers, we run out of ideas, and if we’ve planned a photo shoot for a portfolio promotion, it’s potentially costly, especially if we’re paying the model along with the hair, make-up and assistant. Even the great photographers that created...
20 Inspiring Photography Tips

20 Inspiring Photography Tips

Get Out of That Photographic Rut. There are times when photographers draw blanks when it comes to the productive process of creating a photo, either through the lack of inspiration, passion, or imagination. I like to call it the photographic “rut,” or a state of mind...
It Hasn’t Been Shot!

It Hasn’t Been Shot!

Inspiration, The Key to Photography. All too often I run into photographers, including “myself,” where we feel as though we just can’t come up with a shot when we’re actually in the mood to create photographs. It’s one thing to shoot on assignment, say like sports...
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