For mobile, Sunset Sunrise Calculator works best in landscape view. 

Use the Sunset Sunrise Calculator to plan ahead and capture that blue or golden hour for your outdoor photography. Basically select the appropriate information to calculate the sunrise and sunset. Once you find your sunset time, start your photography approximately one hour before to capture that evening golden hour of photography. If you’re more of morning person, find your sunrise time and have it.

Whatever time you choose, sunrise or sunset, or even midday, remember, sunlight can only be captured, directed and reflected with the SUNBOUNCE photography reflectors and tools if you want the best control and quality. Mother Nature deserves the best.

A word of caution, with digital cameras, do not have your camera set to “AWB,” or automatic white balance, as this setting will totally wipe out the effect of the blue or golden hours. Depending on the make and model of the camera you use, you will probably have to custom white balance or experiment. On film cameras, use day-light balanced film for best effect.

Sunrise and Sunset, Golden Hour Photography

Sunrise and Sunset

CHOOSE A DATE:            
CHOOSE A TIMEZONE: Specify the Greenwich time difference, or select a timezone
hours minutes
of Greenwich
Convert to Daylight Saving Time
CHOOSE A LOCATION: Specify the longitude and latitude, or select the name of a city
degrees minutes seconds
Latitude of the Equator
Longitude of Greenwich
First select a region
Then select a state
Finally select the city
sunrise       solar noon       sunset       errors

The program retrieves the current date from your computer, and fills the month, day and year fields. To perform calculations for a different date, simply select a month in the pull down menu, and enter the day and four digit year in the appropriate input boxes.

For locations above the Arctic Circle and below the Antarctic Circle, when a sunrise or sunset does not occur on the given day the program locates the local time and date of the most recent sunrise or sunset, and the next sunset or sunrise. When this occurs, the UTC fields will display “prior” or “next” information instead of the UTC times.

NOTE: For latitudes greater than 72 degrees N and S, calculations are accurate to within 10 minutes. For latitudes less than +/- 72° accuracy is approximately one minute.

Neither SUNBOUNCE GmbH, SUNBOUNCE, and/or it’s employees or representatives assume liability with the use of this calculator. We provide this to give approximate times of sunrise and sunset, please verify the results with your local weather authority before planning a photo session and/or event. Use is for for research and recreational use only and any use of this calculator is at your own risk. You can find out more about solar calculations at NOAA. Based on the original NOAA Solar Calculator Algorithm and Stephen P. Morse javascript codes.

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