Featured Photography Event
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Featured Lighting Diffusor
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Featured Enlightener Photographers
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Art Brewer
Enlightener Interview Series — Art Brewer Note: Sadly, Art rose to Heaven in Jan. 2023 and in his memory, we've kept his interview for you enjoy, learn and "hear" his voice when it comes to photography. The photography world lost a great photographer. From its origins of World Press Photo Award winner...
“This gear will last and work well under difficult conditions.”
“What is great about these reflectors, you can shape the light based on your needs.”
SUNBOUNCE Photography Tools
The SUNBOUNCE Photography Tools brings you the best in high-quality professional photography and cinematography tools from light diffusors, scrims, reflectors, wind screens, camera straps and more. Learn how light interacts with different reflector materials and diffusion screens. Whether you’re a still, cinema, or video photographer we got you covered. Stand tall above the crowd, not in the crowd. SUNBOUNCE Photography Tools
SUNBOUNCE Photography and Video Lighting School
The SUNBOUNCE Photography and Video Lighting School offers professional tips to improve all your creative projects. Learn how light interacts with different reflector materials and diffusion screens. SUNBOUNCE brings you one of its most valuable resources that any still, cinema, and video photographer will appreciate, all neatly organized in one place. Learn the light effects that will improve your skills to elevate your creative talents. Stand above the crowd, not in the crowd. SUNBOUNCE Photography and Video Lighting School
There are 86,400 seconds in a day, photographers only need 1/125th of a second at a time.
Lighting School Photography Knowledge
Moire Effect in Photography and Videography
Moiré is one of the most common flaws in videography and photography. Wavy lines appear in the image. Moiré is caused e.g. by the interaction of regular patterns or structures in the subject with other regular structures of the camera sensors. The camera sensors (CCD...
Photography Reflectors and Diffusers
Hoover over photos and click to see large photo in light box. SUNBOUNCE BIG Photography Reflectors SUNBOUNCE PRO Photography Reflectors SUNBOUNCE MINI Photography Reflectors SUNBOUNCE MICRO-MINI Photography Reflectors SUNBOUNCE SUN-STRIP Photography Reflectors...
Sunset Sunrise Calculator
For mobile, Sunset Sunrise Calculator works best in landscape view. Use the Sunset Sunrise Calculator to plan ahead and capture that blue or golden hour for your outdoor photography. Basically select the appropriate information to calculate the sunrise and sunset....
Photography Reflector Wind Tested
Wolfgang Peter Geller, the founder and inventor of the SUNBOUNCE photography lighting systems put his SUNBOUNCE PRO photography reflector to the test with the help of a local windsurfer and gusty winds on Hamburg Alster Lake back in 2006. This “put to the test” idea to check the strength of the fabric and seams was Geller’s idea back in 2006. Read more…
World Record Speed Shooting With Bounce Wall
Linda Köhler-Sandring achieved something with the BOUNCE-WALL that no one has been able to do before: Equipped with only the “Abosulte best cardboard in the world of photography” and the SUN-BOUNCER MINI BLACK HOLE as a neutral background, Linda photographed over 888 people outside in 7,092 seconds. Read more…

Featured Photography Lighting Tools
SUN SCRIMs SUN-SCRIM BUTTERFLYS OVERHEAD SCRIMS 6’x6’ + 8’x8’ +12’x12’ FRAMES + SCREEN 20’x20’ SCREENS only 6x6 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Starter Kit Diffusor - 2/3rd The static, square SUN-SCRIMs The SUN-SCRIMs are closed, square, 2-dimensional frames selected for...
BOUNCE-WALL Flash Reflector Kits
BOUNCE-WALL Kit-2 “Soft & Hard“ Flash Photography Reflector System The BOUNCE-WALL is the smallest reflector in the SUNBOUNCE lighting system. It is unique, always with you and always positioned in the right place for the perfect master portrait. The BOUNCE-WALL...
SUN-MOVER The SUN-MOVER is the first perfectly focusable flat light modifier that can create a harsh spotlight or a soft and wide-light, plus a regular light too. The most inexpensive photography lighting tool that can move sunlight that every photographer or...
Professional Photography Tips
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SUNBOUNCE Photography Tools Testimonials
“There are three major benefits to the SUNBOUNCE system for me . . . 1. The stretch fabric creates a reliable lighting pattern and can throw light across a long distance if needed. 2. The quality of light they produce is amazing! 3. They’re very durable and will last you a very long time. I own the MICRO-MINI (2×3) the Mini (3×4), the PRO 4×6 and the BIG SUN-SWATTER. Just bought the 3-D RAINDROP 4×6 fabric and love the punch it produces especially on cloudy days! Bottom line . . . It’s more expensive but WELL worth the price!”
“I own the Micro, Mini, Pro and Sunswatter – essential lighting tools that come with me on every shoot “
“I have two SUNBOUNCE reflectors and I love them. Amazing light!”
Photography Reflector Tips
Photography Reflectors, Recreating North Light
As Early As The Renaissance Era. I’ve covered many topics when it comes to photography reflectors, but now I’ll focus on the use of a photography reflector to create “north light.” No, you don’t have to point your reflector from a northern angle to your subject to...
Photography Reflectors, Natural or Artificial Light
Reflected or Directed Light Qualities. Like most photographers, on occasion I still use artificial lighting in my photo shoots, but today, especially with mirrorless camera technology, I prefer reflected light from the SUNBOUNCE light enhancing tools. I tend to use...
Photography Reflectors, Subtractive Lighting
The Black Reflector. When most photographers talk or write about photography reflectors, normally all you hear about is white, silver, gold, and sometimes zebra, but rarely do you hear about “black” reflectors. Most photographers usually think about first types of...
Knowledge Base
We’re building a knowledge base for proper use and techniques of photography gear for better photos.
Better Photos
Learn about photography gear from seasoned professional photographers who will show you how.
Right Equipment
It’s true the photographer makes the photography, but the right equipment makes it easier to achieve.
Today's Techniques
It’s about today’s techniques with today’s cameras, so we’ll show you how they work for better photos.