California Sunbounce Pro Photography Reflectors
Sun bouncer Big Photography Reflector Professional


The SUNBOUNCE-CLASSIC Reflectors are available in four sizes: MICRO-MINI – MINI – PRO – BIG
that range from 2′ x 3′ to 8’0″ x 5’11” (60 x 90 cm to  180 x 245 cm)

Sun bouncer Big Photography Reflector Professional


The ultra mobile SUNBOUNCE-CLASSIC 3-D, SUN-BOUNCER with aspect ratio of 4:3. Strong three-dimensional frame construction with handling grips.

Sunbounce Mini Photography Reflector


SUNBOUNCE MINI Photography Reflector is like a medium softbox in size, 3-foot by 4-foot. A must have for any photographer.

Sunbounce Micro Traveler Photography Reflector


SUNBOUNCE MICRO Photography Reflector

Perfect Traveler Size Kit

SUNBOUNCE Photography Light Enhancing Reflector Kits

The ultra mobile SUNBOUNCE-CLASSIC 3-D, SUNBOUNCE all have an aspect ratio of 4:3 and are composed of a three-dimensional frame construction with strong hold and hand grips—ultimate and unique construction when it comes to photography reflector, light enhancing tools.

The SUNBOUNCE-CLASSIC photography reflectors are available in four sizes: MICRO-MINI – MINI – PRO – BIG,
that range in sizes from 180 x 245cm (6’ x 8’) to (2′ x 3′ – 8’0″ x 5’11”).

SUN-BOUNCER BIG Starter Reflector Kit

  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Grip Head
  • Tuning Clips
  • Carry Bag


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.

  • Total size: 6′ x 8′ / 180 x 245 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 158 x 234 cm / 5.7′ x 7.7′
  • Seams: 1 seam

SUN-BOUNCER PRO Starter Reflector Kit

  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Grip Head
  • Tuning Clips
  • Carry Bag


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.

  • Total size: 4′ x 6′ / 130 x 190 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 3.6′ x 6′ / 110 x 184 cm

SUN-BOUNCER MINI Starter Reflector Kit

  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Grip Head
  • Tuning Clips
  • Carry Bag


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.

  • Total size: 3′ x 4′ / 90 x 125 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 2.2′ x 3.9′ / 68 x 117 cm


  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Shoulder sling bag

California Sunbounce photography reflector light enhancing kits come with one screen from three of the many available screens listed below.


Gently warm, creates a healthy skin complexion even if cloud cover is thick. Zebra is the workhorse for more than 50% of all applications in sunny and shady conditions.

Color: Mix of Gold and Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.


The negative reflector absorbs the light like thick, black velvet. But it is much lighter than velvet and elastic. Good for light reduction.

Color: Black deep matte and strongly light absorbing. The back is Black Matte. Screen details here.


  • Total size: 6′ x 8′ / 180 x 245 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 158 x 234 cm / 5.7′ x 7.7′
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Seams: 1 seam


  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Shoulder sling bag

California Sunbounce photography reflector light enhancing kits come with one screen from three of the many available screens listed below.


Gently warm, creates a healthy skin complexion even if cloud cover is thick. Zebra is the workhorse for more than 50% of all applications in sunny and shady conditions.

Color: Mix of Gold and Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.


The negative reflector absorbs the light like thick, black velvet. But it is much lighter than velvet and elastic. Good for light reduction.

Color: Black deep matte and strongly light absorbing. The back is Black Matte. Screen details here.


  • Total size: 4′ x 6′ / 130 x 190 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 3.6′ x 6′ / 110 x 184 cm


  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Shoulder sling bag

California Sunbounce photography reflector light enhancing kits come with one screen from three of the many available screens listed below.


Gently warm, creates a healthy skin complexion even if cloud cover is thick. Zebra is the workhorse for more than 50% of all applications in sunny and shady conditions. Screen details here.

Color: Mix of Gold and Silver. The back is White Neutral.


This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral. Screen details here.


The negative reflector absorbs the light like thick, black velvet. But it is much lighter than velvet and elastic. Good for light reduction.

Color: Black deep matte and strongly light absorbing. The back is Black Matte. Screen details here.


  • Total size: 3′ x 4′ / 90 x 125 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 2.2′ x 3.9′ / 68 x 117 cm

The SUNBOUNCE frames are three-dimensional, completely collapsible frame. It is super light and extremely stable. The modular system allows you to combine every frame with the appropriate screen, making it a reflector, diffuser, or light blocker (shade). These special frames, made by hand from anodized aluminum, can be collapsed in seconds to fit into an approx. 6 to 8cm (2.3 to 3.1in) diameter bag. All SUNBOUNCE items have a maximum length of 135cm (53in). Thanks to the crossbar and clamp integrated into the frame, it can be held in many different ways – comfortably by hand or by attaching it to a stand.

SUN-BOUNCER BIG Reflector Frame Kit

Sunbounce Big Frame Kit
  • Frame
  • Shoulder carry sling bag
  • Total size: 6′ x 8′ / 180 x 245 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 158 x 234 cm / 5.7′ x 7.7′

SUN-BOUNCER PRO Reflector Frame Kit

Sunbounce Pro Frame Kit
  • Frame
  • Shoulder carry sling bag
  • Total size: 4′ x 6′ / 130 x 190 cm

SUN-BOUNCER MINI Reflector Frame Kit

Sunbounce Mini Frame Kit
  • Frame
  • Shoulder carry sling bag
  • Total size: 3′ x 4′ / 90 x 125 cm




  • Frame
  • Screen
  • Shoulder carry sling bag


  • Total size: 2′ x 3′ / 60 x 90 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 1.65′ x 2.7′ / 50 x 83 cm
  • Screen
  • Total size: 2′ x 3′ / 60 x 90 cm
  • Reflecting surface: 1.65′ x 2.7′ / 50 x 83 cm
  • Frame
  • Shoulder carry sling bag
  • Total size: 2′ x 3′ / 60 x 90 cm

SUNBOUNCE Reflectors

SUNBOUNCE reflectors are made in Germany with proven engineering including hand-sown fabric screens. The manufacturing process includes total quality management. Their most popular photography and video reflectors include the MICRO-MINI, MINI and the PRO versions. Fabrics come in many types, including “3-D fabrics,” but the core fabrics include white, black, silver, gold, plus the most popular, the ZEBRA, a mixed pattern of GOLD and SILVER fabric. All SUNBOUNCE screen and types here.

German Engineered

Engineered and constructed with totally quality management (TQM) in Germany.

Durable Design

Manufactured and designed with the best products to ensure durability and ruggedness.

Handmade Perfection

All fabric reflector screens are made in Germany and handmade to perfection.

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