The SUN-MOVER is the first perfectly focusable flat light modifier that can create a harsh spotlight or a soft and wide-light, plus a regular light too. The most inexpensive photography lighting tool that can move sunlight that every photographer or videographer should carry as a minimum or back-up on-location light modifier.
“I have used the SUNBOUNCE Reflectors ‘SUN-BOUNCER PRO and SUN-MOVER PRO SILVER’ for four years now. Easy to pack, carry and set up. They have survived in harsh conditions from the Moab Desert to Canadian -35 below weather photo shoots. Excellent product.”
Three Videos Explain The SUN-MOVER Photography Reflector
SUNBOUNCE SUN-MOVER Reflectors & Diffusers
SUNBOUNCE SUN-MOVER reflectors produce light as strong as the sun. The negative 2/3-stop diffuser provides a softer light with less contrast than normal reflectors. For the best lighting effects, use the diffuser in combination with reflectors.
All SUN-MOVER are hand-made in Germany with spring steel for extra permanent tension plus there are two handles to help increase the permanent tension of the steel frame. The SUN-MOVER provides perfect light control from full power down to a nice tender feathered edge. The screen material has an elastic hem for more pliability than that found in other lower-quality reflectors.
SUNBOUNCE SUN-MOVER Reflectors & Diffusers
SM8-855 (Diffusor – 2/3rd)