California Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Camera Flash Photo

German Engineered

Engineered and constructed with totally quality management (TQM) in Germany.

Durable Design

Manufactured and designed with the best products to ensure durability and ruggedness.

Perfect Portraiture Light

Recreate lively studio lighting on location..

Bounce-Wall Portraiture Photography Flash Reflector

The BOUNCE-WALL is the smallest reflector in the Sunbounce lighting system. It is unique, always with you and always positioned in the right place for the perfect photograph. The BOUNCE-WALL creates lively and professional studio light with all pivotable attachable flash units. The light of the BOUNCE-WALL follows the 45/45 rule, ca. 45-degrees from the side and ca. 45-degrees from the top. From the left or from the right, further forward or further backward – it is your decision.

The BOUNCE-WALL professionalizes event and portrait photography in a way not known before.
Six differently coated BOUNCE-WALL REFLECTORS (optional) or their backsides provide many possibilities to enhance light.

The BOUNCE-WALL Portrait Kit allows you to take masterly lit portraits with the same mobile background.

SUNBOUNCE BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflectors

(Click Images to See More About Each Kit)

BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflectors

Perfect For Wedding. Corporate and Portrait Photographers
The Bounce-Wall allows for a clean, complete use of the TTL  control using the original contacts between camera and flash-unit without additional cables or expensive control devices. The weight of the camera always remains in the camera/Lens axis above its optical parts for stability.

SUNBOUCNE BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflectors

(Click Images to Enlarge)
Family Portrait Wedding Happy Book

88 Masterly Lit Portraits In Less Than 10 Minutes!
True Story? – Yes or No?
Click the button below for the documentary video of this exciting portrait shooting with the BOUNCE-WALL by SUNBOUNCE.

Documentary Video

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Flash Photography Reflectors Silver White

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL ll Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Silver. The back is White Neutral.

This material does not change the color temperature but transmits the incoming light in a neutral manner. Hard light remains hard, soft light remains soft. Good light scoop.

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Flash Photography Reflectors Zebra Gold Silver

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Mix of Gold and Silver. The back is White Neutral.

Gently warm, creates a healthy skin complexion even if cloud cover is thick. Zebra is the workhorse for more than 50% of all applications in sunny and shady conditions.

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Flash Photography Reflectors Gold

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Mix of Gold and Silver. The back is White Neutral.

Gently warm, creates a golden skin complexion. In thick cloud cover, it reduces the blue part of the light and creates a warm skin complexion.

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Flash Photography Reflectors Zick-Zack Silver White

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Silver/White Mixed. The back is White Neutral.

Neutral. The white, less strongly reflecting part creates a light softer than just Silver. Zig-Zag creates a mix of hard and soft light.

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Flash Photography Reflectors Zig-Zag Gold White

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Gold/White mixed The back is White Neutral.

This material changes the color slighty to the warm side and is much softer than solid GOLD or ZEBRA

Sunbounce Bounce-Wall Camera Flash Photography Reflectors Galaxy Gold White

Reflector for BOUNCE-WALL Flash Photography Reflector

Color: Galaxy Gold/White Mixed. The back is White Neutral.

Gentle warmth fades to the sides. Creates healthy skin. The white, less strongly reflecting part creates a light softer than Zebra.

The BOUNCE-WALL “Wedding Table Shooting”


But It Can Change Your Career As A Photographer

A documentation of an 88-head portrait photographs shot in exactly 9 minutes and 16 seconds.

A Printed “Family Portrait Book” …It Generates Extra Income

Photography Flash Reflector Family Portrait

Masterly Lit Portraits…Prove Highest Professionalism And Definitely Generate Extra Income

Photography Flash Reflector Family Portrait

This portrait is one of 88 classy photos captured by wedding photographer Linda Köhler Sandring  from Berlin, Germany, in exactly 9 minutes and 16 seconds in bright midday light right at the wedding table.

A Printed “Wedding Happy Book” …Fun Always Means Extra Income

Family Portrait Wedding Happy Book
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