Photography Light Butterfly Scrim Diffusers For Professional Photographers

6×6 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Starter Kit Diffusor – 2/3rd

6x6 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser

The static, square SUN-SCRIMs

The SUN-SCRIMs are closed, square, 2-dimensional frames selected for larger, mainly static objects or installations. They can be equipped with diffusing as well as reflecting screens. They have been used in the film industry for a long time. They are relatively new within professional photography. SUNBOUNCE adapted the construction for most application and made it lightweight mobile. The names for the SUN-SCRIMs sizes were adopted from the film industry and are specified in “feet”. One “foot” is 30.48 cm. Kit includes: BUTTERFLY-FRAME (round craft aluminium tubing 25/1,5 mm) + SCREENS + 2 GRIP-HEADS ENTERPRISE + TUNING-CLIPS + CARRYING-BAG + TIES(25/50/50) + 10 BUNGEE-SNAKES

6×6 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Frame Only

6x6 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser Frame


Your frame is a lightweight and therefore very user-friendly and well-suited for travel. However, it is important to remember that in outdoor application you are assembling exceptionally large planes, which always need to be protected against the wind. Sandbags on the tripods and a secure anchoring of your frame are essential with such large surface areas, even when the assembly takes place in still air conditions.

6×6 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Diffusers

6×6 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Screens

8×8 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Starter Kit Diffusor – 2/3rd

6x6 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser

The static, square SUN-SCRIMs

The SUN-SCRIMS are closed, square, 2-dimensional frames selected for larger, mainly static objects or installations. They can be equipped with diffusing as well as reflecting SCREENS. They have been used in the film industry for a long time. They are relatively new within professional photography. SUNBOUNCE adapted the construction for most application and made it mobile. The names for the SUN-SCRIM sizes were adopted from the film industry and are specified in “feet”. One “foot” is 30.48 cm. BUTTERFLY-FRAME (round craft aluminium tubing 25/1,5 mm) + SCREENS + 2 GRIP-HEADS ENTERPRISE + TUNING-CLIPS + CARRYING-BAG + TIES(25/50/50) + 10 BUNGEE-SNAKES

8×8 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Frame Only

8x8 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser


Your frame is a lightweight and therefore very user-friendly and well-suited for travel. However, it is important to remember that in outdoor application you are assembling exceptionally large planes, which always need to be protected against the wind. Sandbags on the tripods and a secure anchoring of your frame are essential with such large surface areas, even when the assembly takes place in still air conditions.

8×8 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Diffusers

8×8 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Screens

12×12 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Starter Kit Diffusor – 2/3rd

12x12 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser

The static, square Sun-Scrims

The SUN-SCRIMS are closed, square, 2-dimensional frames selected for larger, mainly static objects or installations. They can be equipped with diffusing as well as reflecting SCREENS. They have been used in the film industry for a long time. They are relatively new within professional photography. SUNBOUNCE adapted the construction for most application and made it mobile. The names for the SUN-SCRIM sizes were adopted from the film industry and are specified in “feet”. One “foot” is 30.48 cm. BUTTERFLY-FRAME (round craft aluminium tubing 25/1,5 mm) + SCREENS + 2 GRIP-HEADS ENTERPRISE + TUNING-CLIPS + CARRYING-BAG + TIES(25/50/50) + 10 BUNGEE-SNAKES

12×12 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM Frame Only

8x8 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser


Your frame is a lightweight and therefore very user-friendly and well-suited for travel. However, it is important to remember that in outdoor application you are assembling exceptionally large planes, which always need to be protected against the wind. Sandbags on the tripods and a secure anchoring of your frame are essential with such large surface areas, even when the assembly takes place in still air conditions.

12×12 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Diffusers

12×12 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Screens

20×20 Butterfly/Overhead SUN-SCRIM

20x20 Sun Scrim Butterfly Overhead Scrim Photography Light Diffuser

The SUN-SCRIM 20×20 Diffusers and Screens


Great for people photos, but also for shots of inanimate objects, anytime you wish or have to soften or reduce your light source. Used outdoors in daylight or in the studio with spotlights or flash, this diffuser can replace your light box (the material is so dense that hot spots are avoided). Also ideal for mirroring or soft brightening, or even as a background.


Your frame is a lightweight and therefore very user-friendly and well-suited for travel. However, it is important to remember that in outdoor application you are assembling exceptionally large planes, which always need to be protected against the wind. Sandbags on the tripods and a secure anchoring of your frame are essential with such large surface areas, even when the assembly takes place in still air conditions.

20×20 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Diffusers

20×20 Available Additional SUN-SCRIM Screens

B H Photo Video

You can find SUNBOUNCE SUN-SCRIMS at B&H Photo

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