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Copyright Policy

© 2017 – 2021 SunbouncePro.com and it’s owners, all Images, content, graphics, logos, concepts, & web design, except images/photos uploaded by it’s members. Members retain their copyrights to their individually loaded images/photos, provided they are the original owner and abide by our terms of service. Members also agree not to post/upload any images they do not own and/or have permission to post publicly. Members must also have proper model releases or permission from anyone included in their images/photos.

Nothing, in whole or part, on this site SunbouncePro.com, maybe used without written permission from SunbouncePro.com, and/or its owners. Unless otherwise indicated, all images and intellectual property owned by SunbouncePro.com and/or the perspective owners may not be reproduced or used in any form without express, written consent from SunbouncePro.com.

If you feel that someone has violated a copyright by placing images on our site please contact us with all the details.

We take all copyright violations seriously.

All content, except content posted by individual members for their profiles, albums and membership areas, included or available on this site, including site design, text, graphics, interfaces, and the selection and arrangements thereof is ©2017 SunbouncePro.com, with all rights reserved, is the property of SunbouncePro.com and/or third parties protected by intellectual property rights.

Any use of materials on the website, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or replication, any form of data extraction or data mining, or other commercial exploitation of any kind, without prior written permission of an authorized officer of SunbouncePro.com is strictly prohibited.

Members agree that they will not use any robot, spider, or other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained therein without prior written permission of an authorized officer of SunbouncePro.com.

SunbouncePro.com™ is proprietary marks of SunbouncePro.com. SunbouncePro.com’s trademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not provided by SunbouncePro.com, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits SunbouncePro.com.

All other trademarks displayed on SunbouncePro.com.com ’s website are the trademarks of their respective owners, and constitute neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of those Vendors. In addition, such use of trademarks or links to the web sites of Vendors is not intended to imply, directly or indirectly, that those Vendors endorse or have any affiliation with SunbouncePro.com.

Notification of Claimed Copyright Infringement

Pursuant to Section 512(c) of the Copyright Revision Act, as enacted through the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, SunbouncePro.com designates the following individual as its agent for receipt of notifications of claimed copyright infringement.

By Mail:

Attention: Copyright Policy Personnel
Buchenring 30
21272 Egestorf, Germany
By Email: Contact Us

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